Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Alright so no surprise I don't have a Valentine....again. But uhhh it's really not that difficult to just go up to someone and ask, chances are they'll say yes. I'm just lazy. Anyway I'm sittin here in the library thinkin about what I'm gonna blog today and some mother fucker rolled up and says "yo can i sit here" I said of course. Then after like one minute the douche bag gets up and moves over to sit next to some mildly attractive girl (she's really more like a 6/10; she's trying to be extra sexy and find a last minute date by dressing like a whore) then he just sits there. I'm assuming the douche bag thinks he has a shot at it. But little does he know that his extreme inability to talk to women will once again restrain him from asking her out. He is now sitting there idly smelling her when she leans over like the biggest creeper in the world. Well I guess I'm in the same boat with the not asking anyone out. Oh well just another Valentine's Day.


  1. Go warm yourself with your three robes tonight, and find some comfort in that hot shot...
    Furthermore, there are particular reasons why some of us go around sniffing others, for one they might smell like vanilla and cinnamon.
    And a little flash of shoulder doesn't make you a whore, some of us like strapless tops, what's wrong with feeling the breeze?

    Next time be more constructive with your feedback, and maybe i'll put a sweater on.

  2. You already know my opinion on Vday. Better luck next year.

  3. Don't worry about that guy. Your time will come eventually.

  4. hahahaha funny post and even funnier first comment. @ bearshark that dude is a mad creeper
    @faithevangeline- dont take the post so personally geeze, dont tell me for a second you wouldnt be weirded out if someone smelled you. Besides that I do like vanilla and cinnamon and smell is my favorite sense :)

  5. Meh, Valentines is way over rated in my opinion.
    My Fianee and I only went to lunch and that was it.

  6. Smelling girls = creepy. Don't worry about not having a v-day date, it's for amateurs anyway. The really romantic stay in and keep it low-key.

  7. there is someone for everyone, you'll find somebody

  8. That was you sitting there? I had a shot

  9. Man, better off alone than with some desperate whore any day! No matter what people say. Just treat it like any other day as I suppose, really it counts for nothing.

  10. Indeed like Giulzz says, it's just valentines day, there are 364 other days this year to hook up with someone its no biggie just keep your head up! =)


  11. Yeah, don't force yourself man. Best to wait for a quality gal.
